Female ~ Born May 11, 2016
Average Weight ~ 73 lbs.
Shoulder Height ~ 24”
Our Lady Lux is such a sweet girl. She is always aiming to please and learns quickly. She loves being the center of attention and isn’t afraid to show it. She is always happy and loves to help us out around the house. Lux is high spirited and is such a joy to be around. She absolutely loves the water and will insist on getting into the tub with her friends when they are getting their bath. If there’s water around Lux is sure to be in it!! Lux is our nightowl, one of her favorite things to do in the middle of the night is wake us all up with her happy (high pitched) bark and a lot of extreme snuggling! As long as she isn’t hunting and bringing in rabbits in the middle of the night we’re happy!
Check out more photos of Lux on her Doodle Nation Facebook page.